MIK UPNVJ Students Participate in Methodology and Crisis Communication Lectures at UPM


Public Relations UPNVJ - The Master of Communication Science (MIK) Study Program at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) conducted a visit and study abroad program, one of which was to the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

This program is part of the vision of the faculty and study program in the context of internationalization of the academic field and cooperation. The visit, which was carried out on 6-8 February 2024, was carried out in order to explore educational cooperation between the two campuses.

"Visit and Study Abroad will be the flagship programs of the MIK study program in the future. It is hoped that the usefulness of a program like this will have an impact on students and of course the study program," said the Head of the UPNVJ MIK Study Program, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith.

Univesiti Putra Malaysia is a state campus ranked 3rd in Malaysia, located in Serdang, Selangor. In order, the world campus ranking agency, QS World Ranking, places UPM in the top 158 in the world. The UPM Communication Department has educational levels starting from Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees under the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication.

In this activity, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and MIK UPNVJ Lecturer was moderated by Dr. Fitria Ayuningtyas. Meanwhile from UPM, by Prof. Dr. Jusang Bolong and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zulhamri Abdullah.

MIK UPNVJ students were very enthusiastic when learning in Dr. Zulhamri has expertise in the field of corporate communications. As guest lecturer, Dr. Zulhamri explained the theme of research methodology and crisis communication.

Munadhil said that UPNVJ hopes to continue to encourage more serious collaboration with UPM through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) between faculties in the field of higher education trihdarma, starting from lecturer exchanges, research and joint service.

Not only that, UPNVJ will also encourage research supervisor exchange schemes and joint publications, both between lecturers and students.


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