UPNVJ Promotes UPN Community Territory

Public Relations UPNVJ - UPN Community Territory is a form of implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility from UPN Veteran Jakarta as UPN's contribution to supporting improving the quality of life of the community around the campus. As a state university located in Jakarta and Depok, UPN is responsible for supporting the development of the community around the campus and helping to resolve social problems that occur. UPN Community Territory activities are community service as part of the Tri Darma of higher education, which applies the results of science and technology research and development by lecturers and students, to be utilized by the community so that they can become empowered and prosperous.

The existence of the UPN campus is a factor that supports the growth and development of the people living in the area around the campus, namely in the Pondok Labu subdistrict, South Jakarta, Pangkalan Jati, Depok and Limo, Depok. This is due to the needs of the academic community for housing (boarding), services such as computer rental and photocopying , food and drink facilities and places to buy daily necessities. This increase in demand has an impact on economic development which can be seen from the number of food stalls, MSMEs, better infrastructure access as well as increased mobility and concentration of activities around campus. However, economic development around campus does not guarantee that the area is free from social problems. For this reason, UCT activities are carried out to help the government and society solve existing problems. In return, UPN can also implement lecturer Tri Darma activities and invite students to carry out activities outside campus. This is also part of the main principle of UPN as a state defense campus. In line with this, UPNVJ carries out outreach to the UPN Community Territory . UCT (UPNVJ COMMUNITY Territory ) is assisted by Dr. Ria as Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation with lecturers.


Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ, said that this program is based on the fact that UPNVJ also has a contribution as "citizens" in the Pangkalan Jati, Limo and surrounding areas. so that UPN has the highest contribution within 1 KM from the UPNVJ campus, so that lecturers can contribute to the welfare of the surrounding environment," he said at the UCT socialization on 7 June 2024 at Nusantara 1 UPNVJ and attended by twenty-five lecturers from the UPNVJ environment.

Legal Basis: Corporate Social Responsibility is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of decisions and activities on society and the environment which is realized in the form of transparent and ethical behavior that is in line with sustainable development and community welfare, taking into account the expectations of stakeholders, in line with established laws and international norms of behavior, and are integrated with the organization as a whole.


The implementation of CSR in Indonesia has been regulated in several statutory regulations and ministerial decisions, namely Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Capital Investment, LN No. 67 TLN No. 4274, Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies and BUMN Ministerial Decree No. .316/KMK/016/1994 concerning the Small Business and Cooperative Development Program by BUMN, which was later confirmed again by the Decree of the Minister of State for BUMN Number: Kep-236/MBU/2003 concerning the Partnership Program for State-Owned Enterprises with Small Businesses and the Environmental Development Program (PKBL). This program consists of two activities, namely a small business strengthening program through the provision of revolving loan funds which is a partnership and mentoring program and a program to empower the social conditions of the surrounding community which is an environmental development program.




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