UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as the State Defense Campus, Monday 2 May 2016 carried out the National Education Day Ceremony at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Campus Field. The ceremony took place starting at 07.30 WIB and went in an orderly and solemn manner.

UPNVJ Chancellor Eddy S Siradj as the ceremonial supervisor read out the Menristekdikti's remarks at the May 2 2016 National Education Day ceremony, among other things, saying that the National Education Day we commemorate is not only about remembering Ki Hajar Dewantara's services as the Father of Indonesian National Education and all education fighters who we should remember and appreciate. However, we also reflect on the various efforts that we have made and are currently carrying out in carrying out various programs to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. This journey is a milestone for our further efforts to provide quality higher education services for the sons and daughters of the nation. Creating skilled Indonesian science and technology human resources and increasing the capacity to create innovation and technology that is industrially competitive, which will ultimately increase the competitiveness of the Indonesian nation.
In this frame of mind, this time we celebrate National Education Day with the theme "Let's Work, Be Innovative and Competitive". The theme is a call for all circles of higher education and higher education to reform higher education, as initiated by our Father of Education. Education reform is a necessity at this time, when we are facing extraordinary challenges on a local, national and global scale.
Through higher education we prepare science and technology human resources who will compete in the national and international job market, and will fill a variety of workplaces. How is it possible that our graduates will have the competence to work in the 21st century world, if the implementation of our higher education is still the same as the 19th century too. The presence of information and communication technology and networks and a knowledge-based society causes a paradigm shift in the implementation of higher education that is not negotiable.


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