Lula Kamal Reminds New Students of the Dangers of Drugs at UPNVJ

HumasUPNVJ - Doctor Lula Kamal took part in the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) Jakarta National Development University "Veteran" on the second day which took place at the Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta on Wednesday, August 9 2023. The main topic conveyed by dr. Lula Kamal, M.Sc. is about the dangers of abuse of narcotics and drugs (drugs).

One of the main points that Lula conveyed was regarding the meaning behind the drug itself. He emphasized that some types of drugs are actually not prohibited items, because they are still used in the medical world. The thing that makes it forbidden is abuse of bypassing the provisions.

The next point made was regarding the addictive nature of drugs. Lula stressed that drugs are very addictive, so they must be avoided and should not be tried even once.

When using drugs for the first time, he continued, someone might not feel any pleasure. However, the pleasure will most likely appear on the second and third use, and it is very rare for anyone to stop at the first use.

"Just once you use drugs, just once, your brain cells will store that memory. Once used it may not be delicious, but the second and third times cause a feeling of pleasure that can be addictive. Don't make memory cells like that in your brain," said Lula .

He added that the bad effects of drugs far outweigh the good. The only 'good effect' that users feel is momentary pleasure, even if it comes at a high price.

How much to pay, Lula asked, and she said it all "depends on the health of your body."

"There are those who are three to six months old and still look fine, and there are those who are just two months old whose nervous system has been damaged," said Lula.

The pleasure that is called Lula comes from a chemical compound called Endorphins that is produced in the brain. Endorphins will be produced when someone uses drugs.

Even though instead of using drugs, said Lula, endorphins can also be produced through various other activities, one of which is exercise. By exercising regularly, the brain will produce endorphins that make a person feel happy.

"Endorphins can come out normally, you don't need to use drugs. Taking drugs is good, but there is a price to pay by pawning your future," said Lula.

Finally, Lula emphasized once again to the new students of UPNVJ never to use drugs once.
For those who had time to talk about the direction of use, are advised to stop immediately. And if someone is already addicted, immediately seek help to stop.

Say no to drugs, say yes to education, " concluded Lula.

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