Institution and Integrated Service Unit


Institute of Research and Community Service


Institute of Research and Community Service of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has the task of implementing, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation of research and community service activities. In performing their duties, the Institute of Research and Community Service has several functions, as follows:

  1. Prepare plans, programs and budget for the Institution;
  2. Conduct basic/pure and applied scientific research;
  3. Perform community service;
  4. Organize the implementation of research and community service activities;
  5. Publicize research results and community service;
  6. Actualize research and community service with other universities and/or other institutions both domestically and internationally;
  7. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of research and community service activities; and
  8. Perform administrative tasks.

Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance


Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance of UPN Veteran Jakarta has the task of implementing, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation of quality assurance and development activities. In performing their duties, the Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance has several functions, such as:

  1. Prepare plans, programs and budget for the Institution;
  2. Develop education system and quality assurance;
  3. Develop learning methods;
  4. Organize the implementation of education and learning development activities;
  5. Achieve academic quality assurance;
  6. Facilitate the improvement of quality of learning process
  7. Monitor and evaluate the development of learning and quality assurance; and
  8. Perform administrative tasks.


Academic, Student Affairs, and Cooperation


Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation Bureau of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has the task of carrying out services in the academic field, student guidance and alumni coordination, planning, and cooperation within the UPN “Veteran” Jakarta environment. Regarding to their duties, the Academic, Student Affairs, Planning, and Cooperation Bureau has the functions of:

  1. Implement educational assistance, research and community service;
  2. Conduct evaluation regarding education, research and community service;
  3. Manage student admission and academic statistics;
  4. Provide services to foster student interests, talents, and welfare;
  5. Manage database and facilitate alumni activities;
  6. Plan for the development of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta;
  7. Prepare policy drafts, plans, programs and budgets;
  8. Coordinate and synchronize plan in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta environment;
  9. Manage coordination and administration for cooperation; and
  10. Responsible for public relations affairs.

General Affairs and Finance


The General Affairs and Finance Bureau of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has several tasks related to administration, university internal affairs, law and legal affairs, management, staff affairs, finance, and governance of state property. In carrying out its duties, the General Affairs and Financial Bureau has some functions, such as:

  1. Performe administrative task;
  2. Maintain university internal affairs;
  3. Implement law and legal affairs;
  4. Manage organizational affairs and adminsitration;
  5. Manage staff affairs;
  6. Implement financial and accounting affairs; and
  7. Manage state property.

Integrated Service Unit (ISU)

Library Unit



Library Unit of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is one of the integrated service unit which has the task of providing library services. Regarding its roles, Library carries out several functions, such as:

  1. Prepare the plan, program, and budget for the ISU;
  2. Prepare the plan for needs and provision of library materials and resources;
  3. Manage library resources;
  4. Provide services and utilize library resources;
  5. Maintain library resources; dan
  6. Perform administrative tasks.

Information Technology and Communication Unit


Information and Communication Technology Unit of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is one of integrated service unit in the field of development and management of information and communication technology systems and has the task of carrying out system development and management of information and communication technology as well as information and communication technology services. Regarding its duties, the Information and Communication Technology Unit carries out several functions, such as:

  1. Prepare the plan, program, and budget for the ISU;
  2. Develope system for information and communication technology;
  3. Manage information and communication technology;
  4. Provide services in the field of information and communication technology;
  5. Develop and manage web and network;
  6. Maintain and repair web and network; and
  7. Perform administrative tasks.

Language Unit


Language Unit of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is one of integrated service unit in the field of learning development and language services which has the task of implementing learning development, capacity building, and language proficiency test services. Regarding it roles, Language Unit carries out several functions, such as:

  1. Preparing plan, program, and budget for the ISU;
  2. Promoting and developing language learning;
  3. Providing service for language skills improvement as for lecturer, student, and educational staff;
  4. Providing service for language proficiency test as for lecturer, student, and educational staff; and
  5. Performing administrative tasks.

Integrated Laboratory Unit


Integrated Laboratory Unit of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is one of integrated service unit in the field of laboratory services within UPN "Veteran" Jakarta which has the task of carrying out laboratory services for the provision of education, research, and community service. Regarding its roles, the Integrated Laboratory Unit carries out several functions, such as:

  1. Prepare the plan, program, and budget for the ISU;
  2. Provide laboratory services for provision of education, research and community service;
  3. Maintain and control laboratory; dan
  4. Perform administrative tasks.

UPA Layanan Uji Kompetensi


Unit Penunjang Akademik (UPA) Layanan Uji Kompetensi UPN “Veteran” Jakarta merupakan unit penunjang akademik di bidang layanan uji kompetensi yang memiliki tugas untuk melaksanakan pelatihan dan layanan uji kompetensi bagi mahasiswa, dosen, mau pun tenaga kependidikan di lingkungan UPN “Veteran” Jakarta.


UPA Layanan Uji Kompetensi memiliki fungsi antara lain yaitu: 
a. Penyusunan rencana, program, dan anggaran 
b. Pengembangan pendidikan dan pelatihan dengan kompetensi tertentu
c. Pemberian layanan pendidikan dan pelatihan profesi
d. Pemberian layanan uji kompetensi
e. Pelaksanaan urusan tata usaha

Career Development and Entrepreneurship Unit


Career Development and Entrepreneurship Unit of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is one of integrated service unit in the field of student career and entrepreneurship development services which has the task of carrying out the preparation of student career, coaching and development as well as entrepreneurship. Regarding its roles, the Career Development and Entrepreneurship Unit carries out several functions, such as:

  1. Prepare the plan, program, and budget for the ISU;
  2. Provide development and coaching for future student careers;
  3. Provide development and coaching for student entrepreneurship; and
  4. Perform administrative tasks.

Last Update : Friday, 17 January 2025 | This page is a dynamic page, information can change at any time.
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