Signing of a Joint Understanding between UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the National Narcotics Agency Prov. DKI Jakarta


Monday, 17 November 2014 at the Gd. Rectorate Meeting Room. Gen. Sudirman Lt. II UPN "Veteran" Jakarta signed an MOU between UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the National Narcotics Agency Prov. DKI Jakarta and Satya Negara University of Indonesia (USNI). The event started at 13.00 WIB attended by the Chancellor, Ka. BPH, echelon I officials, Karo, Head of BNN Prov. DKI Jakarta Drs. Ali Djohari, SH and staff, USNI Chancellor Prof. Dr. Lijan P. Sinambela and his staff.

In his remarks, the Chancellor of UPNVJ said the importance of this collaboration is to know each other and provide information about the strengths and weaknesses of each party. This action was taken to improve the quality and quality of UPNVJ and USNI and BNN Prov. DKI Jakarta. In a country there are two threats, namely the military threat which is the threat of attack from other countries or the non-military threat which is a threat from the country itself which includes economic, political, social and cultural problems and what is currently rife lately is the threat of narcotics. The narcotics problem is a national problem because narcotics are an enemy of the nation that must be eradicated immediately. For this reason, we on behalf of UPNVJ thank the National Narcotics Agency for wanting to cooperate and assist us in eradicating narcotics on campus, the surrounding environment and the wider environment, namely in Indonesia.


Drs. Ali Djohari, SH as Head of BNN Prov. DKI Jakarta in his speech said that currently there are more and more drug users in Indonesia, not only among students and the general public but have started to involve figures who should be role models and as examples in life. The results of BNN research show that the dependency ratio in Indonesia has reached 650-750 thousand users. It's a fantastic number and this figure will continue to rise if it is not followed up. For us, this kind of cooperation can help in suppressing the movement of narcotics circulation in the campus environment. The hope is that it can be an encouragement for other universities to join in eradicating narcotics in the campus environment.

USNI Chancellor Prof. Dr. Lijan P. Sinambela also said that the condition of the narcotics trade in Indonesia was already at an "alarming" level. This should be given firm action in order to give a deterrent effect for those involved in it. This inter-university cooperation is the beginning of a good action. This collaboration is an umbrella to become a common reference so that each party can benefit each other, both in terms of academics, research, and community service. As a first step in this collaboration, you can hold a joint seminar to initiate international cooperation as a partner of UPNVJ

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