



After Republic of Indonesia declared its independence on August 17th 1945, Indonesian freedom fighters shifted their role towards nation development for the betterment. On December 15th 1958 in Yogyakarta, some of those freedom fighters built Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Academy which had four majors: (a) Corporate Governance; (b) Agricultural; (c) Chemical Engineering; and (d) Mining Geology.

This Academy was then expanded into University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” with six faculties: a) Faculty of Geological Engineering; (b) Faculty of Petroleum; (c) Faculty of Mining; (d) Faculty of Chemical Engineering; (e) Faculty of Agricultural; and (f) Faculty of Economics.

The development of University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta was started with the establishment of three academies: Banking Academy, Textile Academy, and “Jos Sudarso” Nautical Science Academy which were directly under Institute of Society and Development Studies (LPKP), and approved by notary R. Kardiman No. 14, January 7th 1963.

Based on the decree of Minister of Veteran Affairs and Demobilization of Republic of Indonesia Number 09/Kpts/Menved/1967, on February 21st 1967, these three academies were integrated into PTPN “Veteran” Jakarta.

As per Ministerial Decree of Defense and Security Number Skep./1555/1977 on November 30th 1977, PTPN “Veteran” Jakarta officially changed its name to University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta.

On 1980, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta added Computer Engineering and Information program. A few years later on 1987 as per Ministerial Decree of Defense and Security, Accounting Academy and Veteran Engineering Academy were integrated into University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta. Adding those two, UPN had six academies in total, namely: Banking Academy, “Veteran” Accounting Academy, Textile Academy, Maritime (Ship Building Engineering) Academy, Veteran Engineering Academy, and Computer Engineering and Information program.

UPN “Veteran” Jakarta became a fully independent university from University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta as per Ministerial Decree of Defense and Security Number: Kep/01/II/1993 on February 27th 1993. Both Bachelor degree (S-1) and Associate degree (D-III) programs had three faculties each.

The decree of Minister of Defense and Security Number: Kep./03/II/1993 on February 27th 1993, says that administratively UPN “Veteran” Jakarta is under the jurisdiction and responsibility of Yayasan Kejuangan Panglima Besar Sudirman (YKPBS) and its education operational technique is under the Directorate General of Higher Education of Education and Culture Department c/q Private University Coordination Region III and Health Department.

In order to increase the level of community service through link and match, University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta had abided by the decree of Ministry of Education and Culture together with Ministry of Defense and Security Number: 0307/0/1994 – Kep./10/XI/1994 on November 29th 1994, which basically says that UPN “Veteran” Jakarta had changed status from an Official Service college to a Private college, with five faculties programs aside of its three academies which had phased-out.

As per the decree of Minister of Education and Culture Number: Kep./017.018.019/D/0/1995 all Associate degree (D-III) programs will get “EQUAL” status while the Bachelor (S-1) programs will get “REGISTERED” status.

Furthermore, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta had become a university under the Security and Defense Department as per the decree of Minister of Defense and Security Number: Kep./62/III/1999, whereas its education operational conforms to the laws and regulation enforced in the Education & Culture Department and Health Department.

In 1999, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta applied for accreditation of its programs to the BAN-PT due to the decree of Minister of Education and Culture on December 15th 1994 concerning quality control and efficiency of tertiary institutions carried out by BAN-PT. In the year of 2000, after several desk-evaluation of accreditation forms and self-evaluation of the study programs as well as visitation from BAN-PT, every study program in UPN “Veteran” Jakarta had managed to obtain accreditation from the BAN-PT. In October 6th 2014, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta had become a Public University as per President Decree number: 120.

Last Update : Thursday, 16 January 2025 | This page is a dynamic page, information can change at any time.
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