With the grace of God Almighty and infinite gratitude and a feeling of pride, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta again held its 54th Graduation Ceremony. This 54th graduation ceremony was the first graduation after UPNVJ assumed status as a State University.
The event which was held on Tuesday 15 April 2015 and took place at Gd. Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). The event which started promptly at 08.00 WIB was attended by the Chairperson of YKPP, Head of BP. Dik, former Chancellor of UPNVJ, Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" East Java, Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Chair of BPH, members of the Senate, UPNVJ teaching staff and academics, administrators of UPNVJ Alumni Association, Graduates and their families, and members Another invitation.
At the 54th Graduation, the Chancellor gave awards to the 17 best graduates in each study program out of the 719 graduates who were graduated today.
This solemn event was filled with melodious strains from the Gita Adyavatya Choir UKM which also enlivened this event.
In his remarks, the Chancellor congratulated on behalf of the leadership and extended family of UPNVJ the graduates and all their families for achieving the degrees of Associate Expert, Bachelor, Doctor, Professional and Master. The hard efforts that have been made for several years have been achieved and we hope that graduates will practice the knowledge they have acquired in their respective professions in a responsible and quality manner.
UPNVJ alumni must become agents of change for this nation by working hard, being honest and disciplined. Make that change starting from yourself. The academic degree that has been carried through a long and sacrificial process, therefore, maintain the academic degree as well as possible and appreciate it with the highest value. Hopefully success can include and uphold the name of the alma mater and be devoted to nation building.