Thursday, August 20 2015 at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Campus Ceremony Field a Closing Ceremony of Introduction to Campus Life was held for New TA Students. 2015/2016. The ceremony which closed at 16.30 WIB was marked by the release of the New Student ID and the use of the Alma mater jacket and the awarding of certificates.
Acting as UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor III Ceremonial Supervisor Ir. BB. Sulistiyono, S.Sos, M.AP and attended by the Vice Chancellor II, the Deans/Dir PPs., the Ka. Bureau, the Ka. Satker, Employees, New Students and committee from BEM UPNVJ.
In his remarks, the Chancellor of UPNVJ delivered by Vice Rector III said that the students who attended this event were students of choice from the many prospective students who were interested in entering UPNVJ. For that, you must feel proud to be a UPNVJ student. PK2 activities are designed so that you can get to know more closely about academic activities and get to know other students who will become college friends, both in the same department and from other faculties. Thus, it is hoped that you can socialize well, a sense of togetherness between students can grow and develop, which in the end creates a conducive academic life on your beloved campus where you will carry out lectures later.
The PK2 activity that has been carried out is an effort and the first step in forming a positive character in living an academic and non-academic life at UPNVJ, you will become a person who is good at mastering science and technology, has qualified skills and has good behavior and character. commendable. Our hope is that you will become the future leaders of the Indonesian nation who respect others.