89th Youth Pledge Day Flag Ceremony



Jakarta, October 2017

In commemoration of the 89th Youth Pledge Day in 2017, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a flag ceremony on Monday, October 30 2017 which was attended by officials, employees and students receiving Bidik Misi scholarships.

Acting as the ceremony supervisor is the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, namely Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA. One of the Menpora's remarks read by the ceremony coach was quoting the words of Bung Karno (the first President of the Republic of Indonesia), namely " Don't inherit the ashes of the Youth Pledge, but inherit the flames of the Youth Pledge. If you simply inherit ashes, you will be satisfied with Indonesia, which is now one language, one nation and one homeland. But that's not the end goal."

It was further conveyed that we should be grateful and grateful to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ir. Djoko Widodo who has so far paid great attention to the development of Indonesian youth. Last July 2017, the President signed President Number 66 BTahun 2017 concerning Cross-Sectoral Strategic Coordination of the Implementation of Youth Services. Through this Presidential Decree, we continue to inflame the road map for the revival of Indonesian youth. Together with local governments, youth organizations and the private sector, we hand in hand, work together to continue the fire of the spirit of the 1928 Youth Pledge.

It's time for us to unite for the progress and glory of Indonesia. (UPNVJ Public Relations)


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