Workshop on Preparation of Lecturer Workload Reports (BKD) and Employee Work Targets (SKP)

Workshop on Preparation of Lecturer Workload Reports (BKD)

and Employee Work Targets (SKP)

Monday, 15 January 2018

Taufan Sudrajat, SE, one of the speakers
BKD and SKP workshops
Photo source: Dedi

UPN "Veteran" Jakarta General Affairs and Finance Bureau held a Workshop on Compilation of Lecturer Workload Reports (BKD) and Employee Work Targets (SKP) at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, Monday 15 January 2018.

Today's BKD and SKP Preparation Workshop presented speakers from the HR Bureau of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, namely Taufan Sudrajat, SE, M.Sc as Head of the Functional Positions Section and Taty Supartiyah, SH as Head of the Employee Scripts Subdivision.

The event began with remarks by the Head of LP3M, Mrs. Intan Hesti Andriana representing the Chancellor. In his remarks he said "today we are gathered here to socialize about lecturers who have the main task of implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education, then in carrying out their duties they will be evaluated periodically. This is a form of lecturer performance accountability. It is hoped that this workshop will provide enlightenment regarding BKD reporting and filling in SKP for UPNVJ lecturers, "he said.

The participants who attended the BKD and SKP Report Preparation Workshop totaled 148 people including leaders and lecturers within the UPNVJ environment. The workshop ended with a question and answer session in the second session which discussed filling in UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Employee Work Targets (SKP).

Head of LP3M Mrs. Intan Hesti Andriana in Delivering Her Speech
Photo source: Dedi

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