Rehearsal for the 61st Graduation Ceremony of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta


HumasUPNVJ - UPN "veteran" Jakarta graduates and graduates conducted a dress rehearsal at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Rectorate Auditorium. Saturday, 15 September 2018.

This exercise is a dress rehearsal for the 61st graduation at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) later. The event which lasted for 2 hours consisted of several briefings and graduation simulations including how to wear the toga properly, how to take folders and techniques regarding graduation. A dress rehearsal is being held so that everything runs smoothly, orderly and in an orderly manner," said the Head of the 61st Graduation Ceremony, Naslan, SE.

There are several things that must be paid attention to by graduates and graduates, such as wearing a graduation cap that must be right above the head, and the thought pin which is on the left side. In addition, the graduates must also come 15 minutes before the event starts, because if the event is already underway, the graduates are not allowed to enter the graduation room.

Technically, the 61st graduation is not much different from the previous graduation, which was only held for one day. This is because the number of graduates is quite a lot, plus the number of invitations from parents or guardians of students. The 61st graduation of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta will be held on September 19 2018 at the Jakarta Convention Center Convention Center .



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