Signing of the Integrity Zone Declaration in the UPNVJ Environment


HumasUPNVJ - Based on Permenpan RB No. 52 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Development of Integrity Zones Towards Corruption-Free Areas (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM) within Government Agencies, the Bureaucratic Reform Team in the Field of Strengthening Supervision UPNVJ held "Signing of Declaration of Integrity Zones (ZI) and seminars with the theme Realize UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Corruption-free area (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM) at the Unity in Diversity Auditorium UPNVJ, on Wednesday (05/09/18).


In the event which was attended by all leaders, the Deans, and Heads of Bureaus and Heads of Institutes Berita_ZONA_INTEGRASI_KPK_(1).JPG Three of these the Chancellor of UPNVJ Eddy S.Siradj delivered his remarks "It is an honor to have the Integrity Zone proclaimed at UPNVJ. This is very important because it is in accordance with the existing policy directions in the UPNVJ Strategic Plan. As we know, our transitional period has entered a period where we have followed the rules and policies as PTN and this activity is also in line with our current Work Culture Values, namely Integrity. Hopefully this implementation can be carried out with high commitment so that when it is implemented later it can run as well as possible, "he said.

In addition, Dadit Herdikiagung Inspector II Kemenristekdikti expressed his highest appreciation to UPNVJ for trying to create WBK/WBBM within UPNVJ.

Dadit Herdikiagung Inspector II Kemenristekdikti

"Development of work units to obtain the title of WBK/WBBM, is part of one of the action plans for Bureaucratic Reform in Strengthening Supervision and I, on behalf of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, would like to express my highest gratitude and appreciation to the Chancellor of UPNVJ and his staff for all their efforts and attention. given in an effort to improve the Corruption-Free Area and the Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area," he said while delivering his remarks.

The signing of the Integrity Zone was directly carried out by the Chancellor of UPNVJ and all staff with the reading of the Declaration of the Integrity Zone by the UPNVJ Chancellor followed by all Deans, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions within UPNVJ. The event continued with a seminar filled with resource persons Dion Simbolon and Irawati representatives from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).


On the occasion when being interviewed by a representative from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who is also the guest speaker for the event, Ms. Irawati said "This is necessary because it is part of efforts to eradicate corruption that must be carried out by all Ministries, Institutions and including those under them, internal benefits from agencies What is obtained is that the reputation of an institution will be good, and if the requirements are met as an area that is truly free from corruption, it will also affect the level of accreditation and will guarantee the quality of the tertiary institution itself, "he said

It is hoped that all employees at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta can increase their professionalism and responsibility in carrying out every task and function they have, and be free from collusion, corruption and nepotism in all matters.




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