UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Holds 61st Graduation Ceremony


HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held the 61st Diploma, Bachelor, Professional and Masters graduation at the Jakarta Convention Center Building, on Wednesday (19/9/18). In this graduation, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta graduated 1,162 graduates.

This year's Graduation carries the theme "Creating Higher Education with Global Competitiveness and National Defense Identity in Facing the 4.0 Industrial Revolution". UPNVJ as a whole has graduated 49,702 graduates.


In the 61st graduation the number of graduates who received the cumlaude predicate was 439 graduates. "Of the 772 graduates of the Undergraduate Study Program, 222 graduates or 28.76% received the title with Praise (cumlaude) 439 graduates or 56.87% received the title of Very Satisfactory. Of all the graduates, 872 attended their studies in a timely manner (more than 75%," said the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in his remarks.

Dirjen_Belmawa_Dikti_WISUDA_61.JPG At this graduation Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D Director General of Learning and Student Affairs was also present and gave his remarks "I would like to convey my highest gratitude and appreciation to the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta and his staff for their hard work and cooperation in carrying out the task of educating students and developing knowledge for welfare of the nation and the State," he said. In his remarks he also conveyed matters related to the challenges and roles of universities and their graduates in facing global competition in the industrial revolution 4.0 era so that graduates can better master the skills they have for provision in the world of work.

The best graduate award was given to graduates with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.98 obtained by graduates on behalf of Mumtaza Nailis Sa'adah, from the Bachelor of International Relations Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Masters Study Program on behalf of Moch Ischaq Said GPA of 3.95 from the Law Masters Study Program. In the Diploma Three Program, the highest GPA of 3.81 was won by Ratih Dian Paramita from the Banking and Finance Diploma Three Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business. In the Professional Program, the highest GPA of 3.84 was won by Sari Anggraini from the Nurse Professional Education.


On the occasion when he was interviewed, Moch Ischaq Said, with a GPA of 3.95, said "When I was declared the best graduate, I was very happy, work on knowledge to China, which means to pursue knowledge but never forget the earth we step on so that when we gain knowledge, we are not arrogant and follow existing rules ranging from faculty to university rules as well as societal rules," he said.

In line with this, Anna Sundari Azhari, the best graduate from the Faculty of Health Sciences, expressed her joy and pride after being declared the best graduate. “I feel very happy to be able to make my parents proud. My message and prayer for UPNVJ is that I hope it can be even more advanced in all fields and that in the future there will be more graduates who will receive the title of best graduate," he said.

The series of graduation events this time ended with joy from the performance of the Doskar Band which was accompanied directly by the Chancellor of UPNVJ.


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