The Faculty of Health Sciences, Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (FIKES UPNVJ) swore in 290 new health workers who graduated from FIKES UPNVJ. Wednesday (2/10/2019) at the UPNVJ Tanah Airu Auditorium.
The inauguration and oath-taking was led directly by the Dean of the UPNVJ FIKES, Dr, drg, Wahyu Sulistiadi, MARS. The event was attended by the chairman and members of the UPNVJ Faculty of Health Senate, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH, besides that, the Chairperson of the DPP Nutritionist Code of Ethics Honorary Council, Persagi Bambang Harianto, SKM, M.Sc, Chairperson of IAKMI Pemda DKI Jakarta, Dr.Baequni, SKM, M.Kes, and Chairperson IFI DKI Jakarta, Ari Sudarsono, SSt. FT, M. Fis.
In his remarks, the Dean of FIKES UPNVJ said, "These new health workers are expected to be not only health workers, but also people with the character of defending the country.
"To all new health workers, keep instilling the values of defending the country, wherever you are. As well as serving the community with compassion and working professionally," he said.
Wahyu also reminded that as health workers, they must continue to work according to regulations and do not forget their oaths and promises.
"Those who are sworn in and sworn in are those who have completed all stages of the exam. We need to remind you that there should be no violation of your oath and promise in carrying out your profession, because the profession of a health worker is very noble in the eyes of the public and God Almighty," Wahyu said. Sulistiadi.