Webinar on Strategies for Designing Digital Era Higher Education Curriculum


HumasUPNVJ - Wednesday, November 4 2020 UPN Veteran Jakarta held a Webinar with Prof. Hendro Wicaksono, Professor from Indonesia who won the Teacher of the Year award, as a lecturer with outstanding achievements in the learning process from Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany. This activity was attended by approximately 100 participants which included deans and lecturers from each faculty at UPNVJ and was attended by representatives of 3 other tertiary institutions including the University of Teuku Umar Aceh, UNDANA, UNSYIAHH and USU Medan.

Anter Venus as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs representing the Chancellor expressed his gratitude to Prof. Hendro for being able to give his free time to UPNVJ to share with each other about the curriculum in this Era, "Hopefully this discussion can bring renewal in the existing curriculum at UPNVJ. We really need up-to-date inputs, especially curricula from outside. We also thank Prof. Hendro who has taken the time to share his insights with us here.” Venus said

Before starting her presentation, Lidya Primta Surbakti as the moderator read out the CV and achievements that have been achieved by Prof. Hendro.


In his presentation, Prof. Hendro explained regarding the process of compiling a curriculum for a study program, "The general stages of determining the curriculum and module/course descriptions start from Socialization, Proposal, Peer Feedback , Approval. Before going to the module and course descriptions, there must be a framework and strategies and educational concepts that have been prepared. Obviously Prof. Hendro

The activity was followed by joint discussions and a question and answer session.

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