Fikes Student Wins 3rd Place in the 2021 Indonesian Nursing Olympiad (INO) Activities


HumasUPNVJ - The pandemic period did not dampen the enthusiasm of Jakarta Veterans National Development University students to continue to carry out productive activities that resulted in proud achievements.

Like one of the UPNVJ Nursing Study Program Undergraduate Program students at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPNVJ, who made another achievement on the national stage.

Sri Ayu, a student class of 2018 managed to get an achievement at the national level, namely winning the title of 3rd place in the 2021 Indonesian Nursing Olympiad (INO) scientific essay competition. INO 2021 is a work program from the Directorate General of Penprof ILMIKI National which is attended by nursing students from all over Indonesia . This activity was carried out online using the Zoom Meeting platform on April 2 - 4 which was organized by the Student Association for the Nursing Science Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

This activity was attended by Universities, Health Colleges on a national scale. This competition was attended by 48 participants and 10 finalists were selected to present their scientific essays online. Some of the participants came from universities including the University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Jember University, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Padjadjaran University, Tanjung Pura University, Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, Bhakti Kencana University Bandung, Udayana University, Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University, Airlangga University, and several other campuses.

The UPNVJ Public Relations Team had the opportunity to conduct an online interview with Sri Ayu. In the interview, Ayu talked a lot about her reasons for participating in this activity, the preparations she had made to the ups and downs in the process. What made me take part in this activity was first because this event is national in nature, and specifically for Bachelor of Nursing students. Second, the means of filling time with competition activities and participating in competitions is indeed addicting. Third, you really want to make achievements for yourself, your parents, and of course the university.” he said

“If you ask yourself, this INO is quite long. It started with registering, then started writing essays, and finally the top 10 finalists were announced. At the stage of making works and looking for ideas is quite challenging. Starting with reading books related to the topic of diabetes mellitus, reading journals, again reflecting on learning in nursing related to this topic. Until finally got the idea and started compiling his work. The preparation is more on the administration of registration, and reading related to the topic of the competition. Indeed spare time for the most well-prepared masterpiece ideas. Then when the finalists have been announced and advance to the presentation session the preparation is to make a media presentation and train yourself for the presentation session later. Also preparations for the jury will ask questions about what was prepared ". Ayu continued

Ayu also revealed that she went through many things in the process of participating in this activity, “When participating in this activity, of course I went through many things, both joys and sorrows. As for the grief itself, it's quite a lot, actually starting from being stuck at the "what are my ideas for this topic?" Haven't thought about what to write yet. But on the other hand, there is a joy in getting support from friends, then also when exploring ideas and brainstorming with friends. Rereading the book on this topic. And when he was finally declared as a finalist, he was incredibly happy, thank God, thank God, as if he didn't expect to be one of the finalists. And seeing other university friends when presenting with their extraordinary ideas, further adds to the motivation to study well, and of course to compete again in the future. And when the announcement of the winner also felt very mixed, I was very moved.” The story is full of emotion

"Hope for myself in the future with the current results, "continue to make achievements, continue to develop in a better direction". Always dare to try, and continue to process. And a message for friends who may be reading at this time, "friends, let's process together, let's make achievements with your current hobbies or passions, let's be brave to try, if not now then when". Let's be the best versions of ourselves. That's all and healthy greetings, success for all ". Close Ayu



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