KEMENPORA RI: UPNVJ Becomes the First Campus to Hold Entrepreneurship Lectures in 2021


HumasUPNVJ - The pandemic is not an obstacle for the state defense campus to provide things that are useful and also productive for its students, in the midst of the Imposition of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM), UPNVJ cooperates with the Ministry of Youth and Sports (KEMENPORA) to hold an entrepreneurship lecture with the theme "Ready to Become a Young Entrepreneur" Creative, Innovative, Independent and Competitive” online through the zoom platform and YouTube live streaming which was attended by approximately 2,400 participants. (3/8/21)


Assistant Deputy for Youth Entrepreneurship of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport, Drs. Imam Gunawan, MAP in his activity report appreciated the collaboration carried out by UPNVJ and the Ministry of Youth and Sport, "On behalf of the Ministry of Youth and Sport I would like to thank UPNVJ for being able to bridge us with the students. UPNVJ is the first campus to hold entrepreneurship lectures this year. This entrepreneurship lecture activity is actually not just to target individuals, we Kemenpora want to accompany and assist campuses/universities to create an ecosystem for youth entrepreneurship development. With this collaboration, we hope that our partners can become a platform for young Indonesians who are full of creativity and innovation and of course have competitiveness," said Imam Gunawan.


Erna Hernawati, Chancellor of UPNVJ said a number of things, "The opportunity for entrepreneurship lectures initiated by the Ministry of Youth and Sport every year is certainly one of the extraordinary things for our campus. Campuses certainly need friends to help each other create young people who are creative, innovative and of course competitive. Hopefully with this activity, our students can be encouraged to make entrepreneurial proposals which are filled with creative ideas from our students," he said.

"The challenge for students at this time is of course quite big and tough, therefore with useful activities like this, hopefully it can be understood properly so that we can get output afterwards," Erna continued.


Also present were the Deputy for Youth and Sports Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport, Dr. HM Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh MA who represented the Minister to open the event and also gave motivation to the participants, “This activity was specifically carried out to become a forum for potential and creative ideas from students so they can grow and develop in the field of entrepreneurship. Why campus? Because the campus is the most conducive environment,” said the Deputy

"In the hands of creative people, something like this can be an opportunity as well as an opportunity for students who are able to adapt to the rapid development of technology. The most important approach besides recognizing interests and talents, what needs to be considered is how to build relationships and also team work," he explained

"There are six keys to entrepreneurship , namely having creativity, collaboration, teamwork, integrity, networking and innovation," he concluded.

The activity continued with the presentation of material from three speakers in two different sessions, including: exposure from the presenters of the first session regarding tips on becoming a creative, innovative, independent and competitive young entrepreneur by Lia Agustina ST, who is a young Creativepreneur, and also providing material regarding Tips and Tricks for creating a Business Model Canvas by Aryo Seno Wicaksono, S.Kom, MM who is a lecturer and a CEO, then followed by a discussion regarding entrepreneurship and success stories from Arie Setya Mollay, MBA.


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