Commemorating Mother's Day, Dharma Wanita Directorate General of Higher Education Invites Empowered Women to Advance Indonesia

HumasUPNVJ - In commemoration of Mother's Day, Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Sub Unit of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) invites Indonesian women to become empowered women in building the character of the nation's next generation.

This spirit was inflamed by the DWP Sub Unit of the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology by holding a seminar entitled "Empowered Women in Advanced Indonesia" which was held on Thursday (23/12).

DWP Advisor to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Franka Makarim, in her remarks said that the role and sacrifice of a mother will continue to give meaning to future generations. “Times have indeed changed. Technology is also developing very rapidly. But the role of a mother will always be meaningful and give great meaning," he said.

In addition, Franka sees the role of a mother as indispensable in creating a strong family and children who grow up with the internalization of the values and spirit of Pancasila.

Franka explained the six profiles of Pancasila students, including 1) Faithful, devoted to the one and only God who has noble character. 2) Independent, students who are responsible for the process and results of their learning. 3) Global diversity, Indonesian students maintain their noble culture, locality and identity and remain open-minded in interacting with other cultures. 4) Working together, Indonesian students have the ability to carry out activities voluntarily together. 5) Critical reasoning, students who are able to objectively process information, analyze information, evaluate information and conclude. 6) Creative, students who are able to modify and produce something original, meaningful, useful, and impactful.


Meanwhile, the Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Nizam, in his remarks said that a mother's role is very important in education in the family environment. Nizam saw that the most important education was education in the family environment that Mother did. "Sometimes we forget that the number one education is education in the family. And the number one educator in the family is the mother," explained Nizam.

Nizam invited seminar participants to strengthen the role of women in realizing the progress of the nation. Women have a role in creating superior generations. "It is very important for us to strengthen the role of mothers, the role of women in building a superior generation for a glorious Indonesia which we all aspire to together," concluded Nizam.

Head of the DWP Kemdikbudristek Teti Aminudin views that the role of women both as a wife and as a mother is very influential in the formation of children's character. Mothers are very influential in the growth and development of the nature and character of children. Mothers also have a role not only in educating children but also as companions for husbands. The husband's character and character are influenced by the wife's behavior and attitude towards her husband. "To some extent, the wife's behavior and attitude towards her husband will also determine the husband's character both at home, at work and in social life," said Teti.

In line with the theme raised at this seminar, Teti said that Dharma Wanita Persatuan was present as a forum for female ASN employees and wives to improve and develop their own potential in carrying out three roles at once, namely as a family educator, husband's companion, and as a member of the community who also has a social responsibility, providing education to the public to assist the government in realizing the ideals of the nation.

Head of the DWP Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Saraswari Nizam, is optimistic that Mother Indonesia will be able to carry out her role in the increasingly challenging era of the industrial revolution 4.0. "Women must be intelligent, knowledgeable, have personality and virtuous character, be good educators for their children, wives who are devoted to their husbands, be economically independent for themselves and their families, be beneficial for society, maintain the dignity of Indonesian women," Saraswati Nizam said.

This event presented resource persons, Founder Elzatta Elidawati Ali Oemar and Neuroparenting Skill Expert Aisah Dahlan. Apart from being held offline, this seminar was also attended online by DWP administrators and members at academic tertiary institutions, Higher Education Service Institutions, work units and technical implementation units under the Directorate General of Higher Education, and DWP within the Ministry of Education and Culture.


Public Relations Directorate General of Higher Education

Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

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