Socialization of the 2022 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Program with Dr. Anther Venus, MA, Comm

HumasUPNVJ - The achievement of UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) in the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Program in 2021 spurred the campus to achieve improvements in 2022. In order to make this happen, the Office of International Affairs (KUI) UPNVJ held a Socialization of the UPNVJ Internal Selection for the Program IISMA 2022 which was held online on (18/01/22).

The event was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm., Head of KUI, Dr. Bambang Susanto, MA., Deputy Dean 3, Kajur, and Head of Study Program, as well as students graduating from IISMA 2021 and UPN Veterans Jakarta students.

On this occasion, the Head of KUI, Dr. Bambang Susanto, MA said that last year UPNVJ had eight graduates from the IISMA Program which was an extraordinary achievement for UPN Veteran Jakarta. Bambang expressed his desire to make improvements in 2022.


"This year, maybe three times as many as IISMA 2022 participants should take part. Given the intense competition, last year there were 2,500 people and 1,000 people successfully passed, of course there must be proper preparation from us. Of course, many of our competitors are considered top universities.” Said Bambang in his speech.

Bearing this in mind, the challenge facing UPN Veteran Jakarta now is how to forge yourself and prepare yourself before registering for the IISMA 2022 program. Bambang urged prospective IISMA participant students to be more disciplined and work hard so they can achieve their hopes of becoming IISMA 2022 participants.

Turning to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm, who in his speech appreciated KUI's achievements in being able to send eight students to study at well-known universities abroad through the IISMA program. Venus also appreciated the enthusiasm of approximately 151 students who attended this socialization event. This number indicates that the interest of UPN Veteran Jakarta students to take part in the IISMA 2022 program is quite large.

“I hope that later you will register and take part in the selection. Internal selection first because we will provide some kind of facility for debriefing and English tests. Then after that you take part in the actual competition to get the IISMA Award in 2022, "concluded Venus.

UPN Veteran Jakarta is listed as a new tertiary institution with the most students passing the IISMA 2021 program, namely eight people. Venus really believes that if UPN Veteran Jakarta students compete, they can show how strong their competitive spirit is. After the achievements that have been obtained, UPN Veteran Jakarta further encourages students to participate in the IISMA program.

UPN Veteran Jakarta is committed to increasing the target of IISMA 2022 participants which of course is also accompanied by supporting even better preparations. Venus hopes that the eight students who pass IISMA 2021 can be a source of inspiration as well as provide provision for prospective IISMA 2022 participants.

The socialization activity was followed by presentation of information about the IISMA Program by Dr. Inter Venus, MA, Comm. Then it was continued with a sharing session conducted by IISMA 2021 graduates to share information according to their experiences including what needs to be prepared and tips for passing the IISMA program.

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