UPNVJ Holds Micro Teaching Session to Realize the Vision of Becoming an International Quality Superior University

HumasUPNVJ - In an effort to realize the vision of UPN Veteran Jakarta as a University of Excellence with International Quality, Innovative and with the Spirit of State Defense to build Indonesian society, UPT Language Center UPN Veteran Jakarta together with FISIP UPN Veteran Jakarta in collaboration with Cambridge University held a Micro Teaching Session for English Lecturer at the UPN Veteran Jakarta FISIP Auditorium on January 17, 2022.

The activity, which was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, was attended by six prospective lecturer candidates, all of whom had English education backgrounds, both domestic and foreign graduates. In this Micro Teaching activity, six prospective lecturer candidates were asked to make a presentation for 10-15 minutes and then a question and answer and assessment session was carried out, both by the students who were participants and by the lecturers who became the assessment team.


The Chairperson of the Micro Teaching Committee, Ayunita Ajengtyas said that this activity was the second stage of the competency assessment of prospective English lecturers at UPN Veteran Jakarta. Then in his remarks, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm., stated that this micro teaching was a serious effort by UPN Veteran Jakarta to recruit lecturers who would become the backbone. "To be able to become an international quality institution, we need serious lecturers. Lecturers who are fully English background, dedicated to English. That is what we will recruit to help develop the English Language Institute at UPN." Venus said.

Lecturers who graduate in this program will be placed in every faculty within the UPN Veterans Jakarta environment. They will also take part in the assessment of English lecturers based on the Cambridge Examination Standard and will later receive expertise certification directly from Cambridge University.

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