Humas UPNVJ - As an effort to provide a thorough understanding of the Matching Fund and PKKM (Independent Campus Competition Program), UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) held a socialization which was carried out directly by Prof. Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie, Dra. Ph.D who is Plt. Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture.
Taking place at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, UPNVJ Rectorate Building, the UPNVJ Jakarta Matching Fund and PKKM socialization activities were held offline and during which were attended in person by UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Erna Hernawati Ak, CPMA, CA, CGOP and their staff on a limited basis and using health protocols.
"We specifically asked for this activity from Prof. Tjitjik to share his enthusiasm regarding the Matching Fund and PKKM, UPNVJ itself for the PKKM and Matching Fund Grant Programs was just implemented this year, at that time we visited Surabaya and met with Prof. It was Tjitjik who finally encouraged us to immediately implement the PKKM program, while for the Matching Fund we had actually prepared it far from the beginning of the year so that it was opened for this year in March," explained Erna in her remarks at the event, on Wednesday (09/09/2019). 03/22).
"It has been recorded that there are 23 proposals that have been submitted and it seems that there are still several proposals that will be uploaded as well." he added.
The socialization is two-way in nature where participants can ask questions and have discussions directly with Prof. Tjitjik.
"So, on this occasion I want to share. Let's build UPNVJ together. Because of what? If we didn't all do it, it would be impossible for a Chancellor and four Vice Chancellors to do it all. He is actually just a coordinator, uniting all the steps to build UPNVJ. Something that starts small. We build study programs and lecturers first and then that becomes our foundation for building our institution. This is what we really need to match our thoughts, our steps together for UPNVJ," said Prof. Tjitjik.
Many things conveyed by Prof. Tjitjik Sri Tjahjandarie, Dra. Ph.D in the Outreach. At the end of his speech, he also expressed his hope that UPNVJ could continue to develop its steps with quite large opportunities and strategies to continue building the institution.