SCP Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Reviewer Presents at UPNVJ 2022 Student Organization Capacity Building Program

UPNVJ PR - As is known, students are the nation's assets and campus is a place for students to gain as much knowledge as possible. The knowledge needed is not just in the academic field but they should also develop their soft skills, especially in this era. In order to develop the students' soft skills and implement the Independent Campus policy by fostering a sense of caring within the students to contribute to the village community. The Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology gave an offer to the variety of student organizations: Student Activity Units (UKM), Study Program Associations (HMP) and Student Executive Institutions, to participate in the 2022 Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa).

In line with this, UPNVJ held PPK Ormawa activities which were carried out in a hybrid, offline manner at the Unity in Diversity Auditorium UPNVJ, 4th floor, and via online on the zoom meeting platform which was attended by 150 participants, including university leaders, vice deans, supervisors for student activity units (UKM), and active members of faculty and university organizations.


dr. Ria Maria as the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Cooperation of UPNVJ gave a speech at the beginning of the event. In her speech, dr. Ria explained that this is a very good activity because it will have extraordinary outputs, especially to all participants present, "This activity is a very valuable activity, in general the PPK Ormawa activities aim to improve the performance of higher education institutions in strengthening the capacity of Ormawa to be able to become Student Organizations that are competent, modern, have character and patriotic. In particular, the aim is to increase the capability of Ormawa to become organizations that have Pancasila character; have the principle of defending the country and become the initiator of development; as well as improve the soft skills of students, especially because UPNVJ is a campus with the identity of defending the state (Bela Negara); increase students' competence in terms of leadership, teamwork, social awareness, critical thinking skills, creativity, problem solving skills, communication, collaboration, information technology literacy, and initiate the progress of regions/villages/sub-districts in Indonesia according to the chosen topic,” she explained.

"By having these objectives, it is hoped that all students of UPNVJ will be able to produce good results too,” concluded dr. Ria hopefully.


UPNVJ presents Dr. Ujang Suwarna, SCP Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (PKM Kemendikbudristek) reviewer, as a guest speaker at the 2022 Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) event today. In his presentation, Dr. Ujang explained in detail about the Strategy Socialization and Writing Proposal for PPK Ormawa.

"There are several student competencies that will be assessed, including leadership, the ability to work in teams, social awareness, creative thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, collaboration skills, information technology literacy skills, and level of mastery of this program. It is hoped that all students will be able to pass all assessments," explained Dr. Ujang in his presentation.

The activity was followed by a discussion between participants and the guest speaker.


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