Discussing SBSN, UPNVJ Receives a Visit from Raja Ali Haji Maritime University


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) received a visit from the Head of BUPK Aan Wahyudi, SKM., M.Sc and the Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (UMRAH) State Sharia Securities (SBSN) team, on Friday (26/8/22).

The visit was received directly by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE., MM., CFMP and the UPNVJ SBSN team in Nusantata Room 1 UPNVJ Rector Building

During his visit, UMRAH discussed asset management and SBSN preparations that had been carried out by UPNVJ.

As we know, SBSN is issued to finance the state budget, including financing project development, in this case a university project intended for students.

"In the process, we previously made plans for the infrastructure that we planned, at that time we made an integrated laboratory for the Faculty of Medicine, which is one of the needs of students to practice," said Prasetyo in his remarks.


"To accept the SBSN proposal, we carried out the planning by the Ministry of Education and Culture. We conducted discussions, evaluated and thank God, the UPNVJ was approved and received a grant to realize the development," he added

Prasetyo also said that in the next process after approval, a selection of providers was carried out to build by auction.

“In the auction process we have to be careful. We have to check the provider's track record, it must be recorded clearly and analyzed as well as possible, "he explained.

The tight selection of providers was carried out because there were several other tertiary institutions which had to terminate their projects due to problems between the universities and providers.

"We have construction management in its implementation whose task is to supervise and monitor which is discussed weekly so that if there is a problem we quickly find out and find a solution," said Prasetyo

Furthermore, a two-way discussion was held between the UMRAH SBSN team and the UPNVJ SBSN team to share experiences and further directions regarding the SBSN process currently being undertaken by UMRAH, the event ended with the giving of souvenirs and a group photo.


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