Last Day of Lit and Community Service Week of LPPM UPNVJ Closed with the Inauguration of LPPM Press

HumasUPNVJ - LPPM UPN Veteran Jakarta has held a Research and Community Service Week (Research and Community Service Week) for a week starting from Monday 22 August to today, Friday 26 August 2022 at the Hall of the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine. The last day of the Research and Community Service Week was attended by the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Chair of IKAPI DKI Jakarta, Lecturers at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Unand, Head of Research and Community Service Institute and approximately fifty participants who attended face-to-face and also online including lecturers and students .


This activity began with remarks from the Head of LPPM UPNVJ, Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, in his remarks, he said that this routine activity was held not just as a fashion event but was a big commitment from LPPM to UPNVJ, "Our goal in organizing this activity is to increase motivation , quality and quantity of research and community service of UPNVJ lecturers, disseminating various findings and results of research and community service of lecturers, strengthening penta helix collaboration by meeting and dialogue on innovation needs and the benefits of research and community service, therefore, activities what we are holding is not just any activity just for style, but we are organizing activities that later, inshaAllah, will produce useful outputs , "explained the Head of LPPM UPNVJ opening the activity

The Head of IKAPI DKI Jakarta, Hikmat Kurnia delivered material on Scientific Books and the Development of Higher Education Publishing Institutions and Bahren SS, MA as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Unand delivered material on Writers, Publishers and Printing – Three Jungles One Purpose.


Prof. Erna Hernawati, UPNVJ Chancellor closed the Lit and Community Services Week of LPPM UPNVJ by launching LPPM Press as a forum for UPNVJ lecturers and students to develop their writing and research, "Hopefully what has been given by LPPM UPNVJ can really be utilized by all UPNVJ academics. Because as we know, writing is very important in our daily lives, we need to make history by writing. Therefore, we hope that this LPPM press can be used properly, "concluded Prof. Erna at the end of the event.

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