3rd International Recognition Forum For Ethical Committees In Asia And The Western Pacific (FERCAP)


Public Relations UPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) through the Research Ethics Commission (KEP) carried out the 3rd (three) international recognition by the Forum For Ethical Committees In Asia And The Western Pacific (FERCAP), the event was held online via a virtual zoom meeting room .

"As the Chancellor of UPNVJ, I always support and facilitate all Research Ethics Commission programs, both HR capacity building programs and space and equipment support. I hope that the Survey for the 3rd Recognition can provide satisfactory results as expected for all members of the Ethics Commission. "Research immediately responds to all recommendations given by the Surveyor Team," explained Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ in his speech, on Tuesday (4/9/23).

The activity lasted for 5 days where there was a process of checking files, interviews, team surveys to assess the results of the recognition and ended with conclusions or discussion of observation findings from the previous assessment process.

In this case, Deputy Chairperson of KEP UPNVJ Prof. Dr. Dr. Basuki Supartono hopes that this will contribute to the quality of campus research.

"We hope that with the existence of KEP UPNVJ which has been recognized by the first and second SIDCER FERCAP, hopefully also the third one now, it can contribute to the quality of our campus research."

Drg. Lisa R. Amir, Ph.D., PBO, who is the Surveyor Team, guided the recognition process which began with a Room Tour (checking the KEP room). During the implementation, the surveyor looks at the work space of the ethics commission one by one, which is followed by checking the ethical documents by the surveyor.

"The UPNVJ KEP has made significant changes, changes to ethics submissions which were initially done manually are now using digital," said FERCAP coordinator, Prof. Christina Torres, Ph.D.

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