Public Relations UPNVJ - Universities as higher education institutions today are required not only to produce human resources with knowledge ( hard skills ), but also to have soft kill abilities. Soft skills are acquired through extra-curricular activities. One form of extra-curricular activities are student organization activities such as the Student Consultative Council (MPM), Student Executive Board (BEM), and Student Activity Unit (UKM), as well as the Association of Similar Student Organizations (IOMS) which require managerial knowledge and skills.
Therefore, students need to have the knowledge and managerial skills to manage student organizations, especially students who are directly and actively involved in managing student organizations at the study program, faculty and university levels. One form of effort to provide this provision is by providing a training program, namely Student Management Skills Training (PKMM) which is facilitated by the Student Affairs Division of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University. This PKMM activity was held for two days, starting from today (27/2) until tomorrow, 28 February 2024 at the UPNVJ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium.
Ria Maria, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation at UPNVJ said that this activity is an annual routine activity and it is hoped that in the future the results will bring many benefits to UPNVJ students, "PKMM or Student Management Skills Training is held regularly every year. Here, brothers and sisters, my children can all learn many things, including improving managerial skills, how to communicate well and correctly, how to convey opinions politely, how to make activity proposals, how to improve soft skills and many more things that can be done. studied. "We hope that all prospective national leaders who are present today can apply the knowledge they have gained to their daily lives," explained Ria when giving her speech.
Participants who attended were representatives of the 2024 UPNVJ Ormawa management with a total of 114 people.
Some of the materials presented include: Socialization of Student Affairs, Personal Branding, UPNVJ Student Organization Governance, Risk Management, Administration, National Insight and National Defense from a Financial Literacy Perspective, Socialization of Student Information System Applications (SIWA), and Product Sponsorship & Marketing.
Also present were various great speakers who were divided into two days, namely on the first day, Dra. Intan Hesti Indriana, MM (Acting Head of AKPK Bureau) discussed Student Affairs, Dr. Parmin, S.Pd., M.Pd. ( Reviewer for Belmawa Kemendikbud/Lecturer at Semarang State University) discussed Risk Management for Student Activities, M. Faisal Ludin, S.Ak. discussing Financial Administration, Drs. Haryanto discussed Manuscript Administration and Dr. Dr. Ria Maria Theresa SpKJ, MH, discussed the Governance of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Student Organization (Ormawa). And on the second day, Tomy Kristanto will attend
(News Anchor and Presenter) discussed Personal Branding , Wendi Nurhayat and Bernard Putra Tristanto (Young Anti-Corruption Instructor at the Ministry of Finance) discussed National Insight and National Defense in the Financial Literacy Perspective, Rio Wirawan S.Kom. MMSI (Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science) discussed the Socialization of Information System Applications
Student Affairs (Siwa), Evanto Christian ( Sponsorship & Partnership Event discussed Sponsorship and Branding Events . (*sa/PRUPNVJ)