Public Relations UPNVJ - The Chancellor of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) is one of the participants in the Higher Education Leadership Capacity Building Program (PKKPT) at Seoul National University, South Korea. This activity, which was intended for the Chancellors of PTN Satker, BLU and PTNBH, was attended by 17 Chancellors throughout Indonesia.
Through the official website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the Directorate of Resources, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) held the Release of Participants in the Higher Education Leadership Capacity Building Program (PKKPT) for the 2024 Chancellor, on Saturday (20/04/2).
This agenda is a strategic step in encouraging higher education's reputation to become a World Class University.
PKKPT is the first program held with the aim of increasing the chancellor's leadership capacity through a sustainable approach to good corporate governance, learning, research, contribution to community life, as well as continuous improvement in networking and collaborating with stakeholders.
In his direction, the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek), Abdul Haris, said that the central role of the chancellor or higher education leader is very crucial because the chancellor has two main functions, namely as a learning leader (academic leader) and entrepreneur.
According to him, these two keywords must be integrated into higher education leaders.
"The challenges of this university are very big, how as an academic leader the chancellor must set an example and carry out his function as a university manager in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education," said Haris in Jakarta, Saturday (20/4).
The 2024 Chancellor's PKKPT has the theme "Entrepreuneur Leadership Training". Entrepreneurship is a trend in the future development of world universities. So HEIs in Indonesia must give serious attention to their development on their respective campuses.
The entrepreneurship model that is developed can be techno-based or socio-preneurship by taking advantage of all the entrepreneurial opportunities that are open, especially in cyberspace.
This activity, which involved resource persons and facilitators from various related agencies, included seminars, workshops, case studies, self-paced learning, and networking with industry and universities in South Korea.
In an interview, Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ, said that this activity was in line with the direction of UPNVJ's transformation to achieve excellence. This activity provides insight into how to carry out internationalization by studying from the best university in Korea, namely Seoul National University.
Venus further said that this PKKPT activity also provides space for entrepreneurship development for campuses and at the same time strengthens networks with industry.
"The entrepreneurship aspect will be worked on more focusedly at UPNVJ as part of efforts to achieve UPNVJ's second milestone, namely To be a nationally research based entrepreneurial university, To be a Regionally research based entrepreneurial university and To be an Internationally research based entrepreneurial university," said Venus.
Furthermore, the PKKPT for Chancellors in 2024 will be followed up with monitoring and assistance activities on the implementation of superior programs by each chancellor in order to achieve a gradual increase in the quality of higher education towards becoming a World Class University.