Remaining part of the UPNVJ family, the release of students from the UPNVJ PMM 4 program took place happily

Public Relations UPNVJ - One semester passed quickly, it didn't feel like six months had passed for all the participants in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Batch 4 Independent Student Exchange program. Today, on July 1 2024, Anter Venus, Chancellor of UPNVJ released 48 PMM students (class 4) from 29 campuses from various regions throughout Indonesia.

The Chancellor of UPNVJ in his speech said that there are many benefits in this program, not only for individuals but also for UPNVJ itself, "The PMM (Independent Student Exchange) Batch 4 program offers a number of benefits for the Jakarta Veterans National Development University as the recipient university . The first is, Campus Diversification and Internationalization, by accepting students from various regions in Indonesia, recipient HEIs can enrich the cultural diversity and perspectives on their campus. This will create a more inclusive and dynamic learning environment. Internationalization: Although the focus is on domestic exchange, this experience can strengthen campus readiness in facing international exchange, with better service and administration standards, Improved Quality of Education, sharing Knowledge and Best Practices: Students coming from various HEIs will bring different learning experiences ", providing opportunities for local lecturers and students to learn new teaching and learning methods, and of course there are many other benefits that I cannot explain one by one in this activity because there are so many benefits," explained Venus in detail.

"I think today I let go of the students of PMM 4 UPNVJ, it is only symbolic, because in my opinion, they will always be part of our beloved campus, UPNVJ," continued Venus.

The Closing Activity of PMM 4 UPNVJ 2024 was held face to face in the UPNVJ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium and was enlivened by the performance of inbound student creations from their Student Exchange 4 with the activity theme: "From Sabang to Merauke: Uniting Dreams, Reaching Hope" , this theme was chosen to depict students' journeys that cross geographical and cultural boundaries, unite their dreams for a better Indonesia, and reach their hopes through experiences and learning during the exchange program.

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Haru!! The tagline "Exchanging Temporarily Means Forever" is full of meaning for PMM 4 UPNVJ participants