Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University as the organizer of the 2024 State University Cooperation Agency Symposium - Western Indonesia Region with the theme "Optimizing Lecturer Management and Vocational Education Curriculum through Synergy with the Business and Industrial Worlds" which was held on Thursday 11 July 2024 at the Aston Tb Hotel. Simatupang, South Jakarta.
UPNVJ presents extraordinary speakers including:
"Optimizing Lecturer Management and Vocational Education Curriculum Through Synergy with the Business and Industrial Worlds to Increase Global Competitiveness" which will be explained via the zoom platform by our Keynote Speaker: Director General of Vocational Education Dr. Ir. Kiki Yuliati, M. Sc and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Suning Kusumawardani, ST, MT Director of Learning and Student Affairs.
Also present in person, Head of the West BKS-PTN Postgraduate Forum Team, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hidayat, MP. Which discusses Management of the Regular Postgraduate Education Curriculum and Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) with sub topics: graduate learning outcomes; learning methods, learning modalities, assessment of learning outcomes, curriculum recognition of past learning and final assignments.
Strategy for Overcoming Limited Postgraduate Education Resources with the sub-topic of multiple home bases and non-permanent lecturers by the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm. Human Resource Management for Postgraduate Education with sub-topics of competency, qualifications; and fulfilling lecturer qualifications through recognition of past learning by the Chancellor of the University of North Sumatra, Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S. Sos., M.Si.
Management of Vocational and Postgraduate Programs; Perspective on the Field of Arts
with sub topics: competency; qualification; recognition of past learning;
graduate learning outcomes; learning methods; learning modalities; assessment of learning outcomes; and final project by the Chancellor of ISI Padang Panjang Dr. Febri Yulika, S.Ag., M.Hum. Vocational Education Management; Perspective of State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN) with sub topics: competency; qualification; recognition of past learning; graduate learning outcomes; learning methods; learning modalities; assessment of learning outcomes; and final assignment by the Chancellor of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Prof. Dr. Khairunnas Rajab, M.Ag. Vocational Education HR Management with sub topics: competency, qualifications; and fulfilling lecturer qualifications through recognition of past learning by the Director of the Jakarta State Polytechnic, Dr. Syamsurizal, SE, MM
The Chancellor of UPNVJ, Anter Venus, explained that this activity is a big activity that has many benefits, "This activity is extraordinary, the output is great for both vocational and postgraduate education, including aligning the vocational education curriculum with the needs of the business world and the industrial world. Increasing the competence and professionalism of vocational education lecturers. Building closer cooperation between vocational education institutions and the business and industrial world. Providing a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences and best practices in managing lecturers and vocational education curricula, specifically for vocations. Apart from that, there are also many benefits for postgraduates, increasing understanding regarding lecturer management and the postgraduate education curriculum in accordance with Permendikbud 53/2023. Increasing the competitiveness of postgraduate graduates through a relevant curriculum and high lecturer competency. Facilitate easy access to postgraduate programs for practitioner and industry lecturers. "Encouraging the sustainable career development of lecturers," he explained
Chairman of the State University Cooperation Agency - Western Indonesia Region, Professor Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos, M.Si in his speech also thanked UPNVJ as the organizer because the event ran smoothly.
The sub-topics discussed in this activity are, Optimizing Lecturer Management and Vocational Education Curriculum through Synergy with the Business and Industrial Worlds, Increasing Postgraduate Competitiveness and Competence through Optimal Lecturer Management and Adaptive Curriculum Based on Permendikbud 53/2023.