UPNVJ Opens Data Science Study Program, Offers Its Graduates to Become the Best Analysts


Public Relations UPNVJ - Jakarta "Veteran" Development University through the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) is opening a new study program, namely Data Science. Providing 35 seats in the first year, this study program offers its graduates to become reliable data analysts.

There are two specializations in the Data Science study program, namely data engineering and data analysis.

“In the information era, data analysis has become an interesting job. "Data analysis is the best job in the world," explained the Dean of the UPNVJ Faculty of Computer Science, Prof. Supriyanto.

"Data science is needed in the current era of abundance of data and information. We are not only data lovers, but we can utilize this data," he added.

Prof. Supriyanto said one of the reasons for opening this study program was to meet market needs for college graduates who have the competence to analyze data.

"The need for graduates with data analyst competencies is very large, but the availability of data science study programs is still low at this time. "So, we want to answer the needs of the current world of work," explained Prof Supriyanto.

He hopes that the Data Science study program can help the current generation compete in the world of data.

"Of course we hope that Data Science can help the nation's generation to be ready to compete, and that the study program itself is superior and leading in Data Science education," said Prof Supriyanto.

"It is also hoped that Data Science graduates who master one of the specializations can be quickly absorbed in the job market," he concluded.

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