HumasUPNVJ - The National Higher Education Database System (SNBP) of the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) has recorded 19,437 applicants from all over Indonesia. This figure shows the high interest of prospective students to continue to state universities, specifically to UPNVJ.
With a large number of applicants, competition to be accepted at UPNVJ can be increasingly fierce.
Based on the statement of the Coordinator of New Student Admissions of UPNVJ, Fajar Nugroho, it was stated that this year UPNVJ recorded 19,437 applicants, and the number accepted was 914 according to the available capacity.
UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Dr. Anter Venus also confirmed that there was an increase in the number of applicants this year. Although not significant, there was still an increase in numbers compared to 2024.
The previous year, UPNVJ recorded 19,428 SNBP applicants, and the number accepted was 880 people.
"In the future, I am sure it will always increase, followed by an increase in UPNVJ's accreditation and reputation," said Venus, in a statement on the UPNVJ campus, Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
"Currently, we already have 14 study programs that are accredited as superior and have been internationally accredited," he continued.
Venus projects that the number of prospective students interested in registering at UPNVJ will reach around 20,000, especially when UPNVJ's status changes to a State University with Legal Entity (PTN BH).
He also said that currently UPNVJ continues to focus on making improvements in various aspects, especially in terms of facilities, starting from adding classrooms, parking lots, and so on.
Regarding the acceptance of new students, the chancellor also congratulated those who had been officially accepted and become part of UPNVJ.
"For prospective new students who have been declared to have graduated, we warmly welcome you and give the best for UPNVJ. Hopefully this campus will give color to your lives. Not only color in the academic field, but adding new color with a new character, namely the character of National Defense," said Venus.
"For prospective new students who have not been lucky in the SNBP pathway, there is no need to be discouraged because there are still many other pathways that can be fought for with a greater capacity. Good luck," he concluded.