The results of the 2025 National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP) have been announced today, Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 15.00 WIB. Of the study programs that can be selected, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) is included in the 10 tightest study programs in the 2025 National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP).
Based on the data, the Pharmacy Study Program is ranked tenth as a study program with a competitiveness level of 1.45%.
Regarding this, UPNVJ Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Henry Binsar said that this is the second year that the Pharmacy study program has entered the top 10 most rigorous study programs in SNBP.
"This year, the top 10 in terms of competition is the Pharmacy study program. This study program is increasingly in demand, as proven by the fact that in 2023, the Pharmacy study program has also entered the top 10 and is ranked 9th," said Henry.
In terms of applicants or enthusiasm, Henry continued, Pharmacy has also experienced an increase, which shows that this study program is increasingly in demand at a time when UPNVJ "continues to strive to improve the quality of each study program available."
On this occasion, Henry also said that the increase in the number of applicants was followed by an increase in the quality of UPNVJ in terms of curriculum and learning facilities.
"Currently, there are certainly improvements, including in terms of curriculum updates that are always monitored to keep up with the current era. In addition, we are also improving facilities by adding practical materials, equipment and so on," he added.
Henry also conveyed to prospective new students who were not lucky in SNBP 2025, to stay enthusiastic and try other paths that can be followed such as SNBT, UPNVJ Independent path and SMMPTN Barat path. All three can be a great opportunity to enter UPNVJ because the capacity is relatively large
2025 UPNVJ SNBP applicants are spread across Indonesia, including 3T regions.
"Prospective new students accepted through the SNBP pathway are currently still dominated by areas in DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten, but outside of this, including specifically the 3T areas, are still included in our assessment category. There is a weight for the 3T areas, and we always try to increase the acceptance of prospective new students in the 3T areas," he said.
With the high level of competition, prospective new students are expected to have prepared themselves well from the start to be able to compete in the next selection path.
SNBP 2025 is proof that several leading study programs remain the main choice for many students in Indonesia.
On this occasion, Dr. Henry also explained that there are other excellent study programs that can be chosen by prospective new students who will later compete in the Computer-Based Written Examination - National Selection Based on Tests (UTBK-SNBT) which will be implemented soon.
Several undergraduate and diploma study programs that have been accredited as superior at UPNVJ include:
1. D3 Banking
2. D3 Accounting
3. S1 Management
4. S1 Accounting
5. S1 Sharia Economics
6. S1 Medicine
7. S1 Mechanical Engineering
8. S1 Industrial Engineering
9. Bachelor's Degree in Marine Engineering
10. S1 Nursing
11. S1 Physiotherapy
12. S1 Public Health
13. S1 Nutrition
For complete information on other study programs, you can click on the following page , in addition to finding out the terms and conditions for accepting new students at UPNVJ, you can check the page