Inauguration and Oath of Profession Nurse, Associate Nursing Expert and Associate Physiotherapy Faculty of Health Sciences 2014


Thursday, October 2 2014 at Graha Adhya Wicaksana, the Inauguration and Oath of Profession of Nurse, Associate Nursing and Physiotherapy Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta was held. The activity which started at 09.00 WIB was opened by singing the Indonesia Raya National Anthem and closed with the Balinese Regional Song "Balinese Dance" presented by the Gita Advayatva Choir UKM.

Also present at this event the Chancellor, Ka. BPH, Warek I and II, the Deans, PPNI, IFI and other invitees. The event was entertained by performances from UKM Dance which presented a slick presentation of the Sekat Jagat dance from Bali.

The oath-taking was carried out by the Clergy (4 Religious Leaders) and guided by representatives from the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office drg. Yani Suryani M. Kes. Meanwhile, the confirmation of the oath and promise was supervised by the Dean of Health Sciences, Ibu Desak Nyoman Sithi, SKp. MARS.

In his remarks, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, represented by drg. Yani Suryani M. Kes. congratulations on your success as a new health worker. It is hoped that graduates who are still "fresh graduates" must improve foreign language competence to open up opportunities in other countries and become hosts in their own country. Other abilities must also be honed and developed as a provision for self-development. This is the basic capital for living a social life as well as ethics and morals that must be applied.

In his remarks the Dean of Health Sciences expressed his pride to the 268 graduates that on this occasion 157 people succeeded in taking the oath. Of the many who received the "With Praise" title, one named "Novita Salim" was tucked in as the Best Graduate at the 53rd Graduation with a Grade Point Average of 4.00 from the Nurse Profession. Acknowledgments are addressed to the parents who have agreed to entrust their children to the Fikes as well as to all UPNVJ Fikes alma maters who were prepared to bring UPNVJ a good name.

In his remarks, the Chancellor expressed his pride for the best graduates as well as the others. This was the answer that Fikes is one of the most favorite faculties at the moment because it is in the most demand. From this activity we can see that there are 4 different religions that unite in this room. This is an explanation that UPNVJ holds the principle of National Insight where we must respect differences in religion, ethnicity, culture, customs and so on. Therein lies the wealth of a nation because it has various kinds of diversity.

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53rd Graduation Ceremony for DIPLOMA III, GRADUATE, PROFESSIONAL & MASTERS Program Even Semester TA. 2013/2014 UPN "VETERAN" JAKARTA

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