Monday, March 14 2016, at the Rectorate Meeting Room, Floor II of the Jenderal Sudirman Building, a Technical Training on Manuscripts was held at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, one of the objectives of this training was to create uniformity both in terms of technical and procedural implementation of manuscript layout within UPN "Veteran" Jakarta which regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 51 of 2015 concerning the Administration of Official Documents in the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The participants were the Vice Deans II, the Head of TU and staff who were related and served as official document managers. The event was opened by the Vice Chancellor II and presented resource persons: Dewi Yuliwati Head of Management Division of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education's Legal and Organizational Bureau and M. Ali Akbar Head of Systems and Procedures Subdivision of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Bureau of Law and Organization.
In his remarks the Vice Chancellor II said that the Kemristekdikti manuscript arrangement was something new at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. It is my hope that after the completion of this activity the Official Document Arrangement at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta can be in accordance with the references/guidelines/provisions regarding Official Document Arrangement that apply within the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Previously, the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta official script layout referred to the Ministry of Defense's official script layout. The briefing on the manuscript layout is very important regarding where the script or script layout refers to internal and external needs. Even though we already have a guidebook, we still need an explanation. With this activity it is hoped that tomorrow will be in accordance with the references from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Those who play the most role in the Manuscript Management within UPN "Veteran" Jakarta are the people who are directly involved in their duties and functions as an element of the Manuscript Management itself, for example in the rectorate are the Bureaus, the University Secretariat, while in the Faculties the Vice Deans II and the Head of the Department tu. To the participants who are happy to take part in this training, hopefully it will encourage UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to be even better in implementing the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Service Manuscripts within the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta environment.