"Growing Student Entrepreneurial Spirit to Become Creative, Innovative and Independent"
Jakarta, October 4 2016, the FISIP Entrepreneurship Lecturer Team, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta University held a seminar related to entrepreneurship with the theme "Growing Student Entrepreneurial Spirit to Become Creative, Innovative and Independent". The background of this seminar is so that students can realize the ability and stability of entrepreneurs to produce progress and prosperity for society.
This entrepreneurship seminar was delivered by a resource person who is an expert in his field, namely Zeena Al Talib. He is the first and leading designer of closed clothing in the United States. The first time he moved to America felt no clothes fit him, and the reason was seen by him as a great opportunity. The conclusion of this seminar is to motivate young souls in entrepreneurship so they never give up and can see every opportunity that exists in a certain place and condition. Every opportunity that we try will produce a reaction that can be a positive or negative reaction, if a negative reaction means we have to introspect where our shortcomings or mistakes are.