The highlight of UPNVJ's 3rd Anniversary

THE highlight of the anniversary of the anniversary


Jakarta, October 2017 . Entering the 3rd age of Nationality and the 54th anniversary of the establishment of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, the Anniversary Committee has held various activities that have taken place from 18 September to 6 October 2017. These activities are divided into 5 fields, namely sports, arts, scientific activities, community service , and ceremonial. In accordance with the theme of the Anniversary this time, namely " From Us to the Nation " which is inherent in the identity of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta which echoes " The State Defense Campus".

All UPNVJ Anniversary activities this time will include elements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Apart from thanksgiving, there are also Social Service activities, Scientific Orations, People's Market (Bazar)


This is one unit of our academic atmosphere. Our educational atmosphere is dynamic. All elements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education are all covered here. So this is the actualization of UPNVJ, there is the development of education and research, concern for society, faith and art. At the peak of the event, it will be centered at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, which will take place with scientific orations, university open meetings, thanksgiving, entertainment, announcement of competition results and handing over of prizes and door prizes.

The event began with the Chancellor's remarks who said "The position of UPNVJ in 2015 was ranked 2,644 out of 3,244 existing PTN and PTS. Meanwhile, in 2016 UPNVJ was ranked 104 out of 3,244 universities throughout Indonesia, and was included in the cluster 3 category. It is hoped that in 2017 UPNVJ can continue to raise its ranking. The Chancellor further said " The Grand Strategy in the future has been formulated in carrying out the development of UPNVJ until 2025 which is expected to change and add to undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral study programs. students reached 15,000 people. That was the essence of delivering the Chancellor's welcoming speech at the University Open Session.

At the Scientific Oration event delivered by Dr.Suseno Sukoyono from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. He delivered his speech

ERADICATION OF ILLEGAL, UNREPORTED, AND UNREGULATED FISHING : with the theme; " Upholding Sovereignty and Maintaining Sustainability for the Welfare of the Indonesian Nation"

From the essence of the oration delivered by Dr. Suseno Sukoyono is; “ To realize Indonesia's vision as the world's maritime axis, IUU Fishing issues must be answered immediately by efforts to rebuild Indonesia's marine and fisheries sector based on the principles of sovereignty, sustainability and prosperity. These three principles are the pillars of Indonesia's marine and fisheries development which are related to one another and cannot stand alone . These are just a few of the orations delivered by Dr. Suseno Sukoyono.

In the entertainment program, the committee brought back singers from competition participants who had hidden talents and also accompanied by dances from the Dance Arts UKM and Choir UKM. Most of the employees stayed inside the Auditorium watching the entertainment until late afternoon and even many officials joined in dancing to enliven this year's anniversary. The excitement that stood out the most and brought the most members and cheered the most was from FIKES, in fact it was from Fikes who won many wins in every competition. It turned out that the last event that the employees had been waiting for until the afternoon was the Doorprize announcement. xxx


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