Rector of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to Tanjungsari
Land Review
The Chancellor of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University and his staff inspect the land to be built for a new lecture center, Wednesday, 8/11/2017. Later the new Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University campus building will stand on a land area of around 30.7 hectares. And will continue to be expanded while waiting for the process of determining the RT/RW of the District Government. Bogor. Currently, it is still in the process of making a certificate to accelerate the construction of the new campus of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University.
Going down directly to inspect the land where the new lecture center will be built, the Chancellor of the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University, Prof.Dr.Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng along with the ranks, namely, Vice Chancellor Prof.Dr. Moeljadi, SE, SU, M.Sc, Dean of Social Sciences Dr. Anther Venus, MA. Comm, AKPK Bureau Head Dr. Drs. Suyatno, MM and Law Faculty Lecturer Heru Suryanto, SH, MH. The review event also included student representatives from Aspiration and UFO UKM.
Pak Mulyana, as the landlord in Tanjungsari Village, Bogor Regency, expressed his great hope that all land acquisition processes could be expedited. "My hope is that the process of land acquisition for the surrounding community can be expedited by UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, and the surrounding community is very welcoming to the arrival of all UPN "Veteran" Jakarta academics and students." he said. (Anisa's report)