Higher Education Advocacy and Risk Management
UPN "Veteran" Jakarta
Report (Anisa Triselia)
Wednesday, 13 December 2017 | 13.17
The Bureaucratic Reform Program in the Field of Strengthening and Oversight today held an activity "Higher Education Advocacy and Risk Management" at the Unity in Diversity Auditorium UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Wednesday (13/12). This activity was held in the context of equalizing perceptions of the Government Agency Control System (SPIP) so as to create a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM).
This event began with remarks by UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc. Eng. In his remarks he said "This activity is a very important activity for the progress of UPNVJ, from this process we can make decisions with maximum possible results" he said.
The event, which was carried out by members of the Bureaucratic Reform, presented Dadit Herdikiagung as the Inspectorate General of Region II KEMENRISTEKDIKTI and Selvia Vivi Devianti as a Member of the Indonesian BPK, as speakers. In addition, who served as moderator, namely Dra. Rini Riyantini, M.Sc. Participants who attended this event totaled 85 people including officials and members of the UPNVJ Bureaucratic Reform. The event took place smoothly and ended with a warm welcome.