UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conducts "Happiness at Work - New Paradigm

UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Conducts Training

“Happiness Work – New Paradigm”

Jakarta, 15 December 2017

In improving employee performance and fulfilling the desire to increase self-competence for echelon III and IV officials, in each Rectorate and Faculty UPN "Veteran" Jakarta work unit. This training was attended by 30 participants who held positions

Photos of the activities of the training participants

Head of Section and Head of Sub Division which took place at Margo Hotel Depok, 14 to 15 December 2017, this event carried the theme: " Happiness Work - New Paradigm - A mindset that allows employees to maximize performance and achieve their potential, which This is done by realizing the level of happiness when working alone or with other employees .

Appearing as resource persons in this activity were: Daisy ME., M.Sc., Psychologist., CHt and Yudi Sujana, Eng, CHt. And R. Benjamin AM, MPsi., Psychologist, CHt., CMSDM.

The event began with an opening by the Chancellor, Prof.Dr.Ir. Eddy S.Siradj, M.Sc.Eng.,

in his remarks he said "Happy is Simple, if you want to be happy at work, make the workplace like our home, so that we are happier doing work", then at the end of his remarks he said "Hopefully coming home from here we will be happy to be able to increase motivation and our work ethic”.

The event continued with the delivery of material by Ms. Daisy ME., M.Sc. "Why do we change?...change is our own choice, to make changes must come from ourselves," said Mrs. Daisy at the beginning of her presentation in front of the training participants.

After a break of approximately 20 minutes, the next speaker was delivered by Mr. Yudi Sujana "Often people think that being happy means not suffering, even though happiness often requires suffering", said Mr. Yudi Sujana.

Activities continued into the evening, but this time the program was more relaxed, interspersed with group games. This closing activity was brought by former postgraduate director Dr. Iwan Kresna Setiadi, SE, MM. In this activity it is different from other activities, he forms four groups of trainees, from these four groups a competition is held which is entertainment in nature, but in this entertainment game it is accompanied by a group poll on things he does not like in carrying out daily work . From the opinion poll written down on paper by each group, the things that are not liked in carrying out the work are listed, there are quite a lot of items.


Next, Mr. Iwan asked the participants to choose two sentence items from the many items that were not liked, making the sentence committed to improving UPN Veteran Jakarta.

Then an agreement was obtained from the commitment of the four groups to read the sentence "WE ARE COMMITTED TO IMPROVING PERFORMANCE WITH SINCERITY, HONESTY, DISCIPLINE, TEAM WORK FOR EXCELLENT SERVICE AT UPN "VETERAN" JAKARTA ".

The sentence that was written from the combination of the four groups of all training participants was immortalized by writing on the Rool Banner banner as proof of the training participants' commitment to improving UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. -xxx inspiration

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