Jakarta - Still in celebration of the 58th National Nutrition Day DPP PERSAGI (Nutritionist Association) is holding a healthy walk located along the Car Free Day (CFD) route from Jalan Sudirman to Jalan MH. Thamrin, on Sunday 28 January 2018.
The event began with remarks by DPP PERSAGI Colonel of the Military Health Corps (CKM) Irdan Ridwan, SP, M.Kes. In his brief remarks he congratulated the 58th National Nutrition Day and he hoped that all the events held would run smoothly and be of benefit to all attendees.
The form of this year's National Nutrition Day activity consists of Aerolim Gymnastics and Healthy Walks which are attended by all students from universities throughout Jabodetabek and the general public. The activity continued with the distribution of local fruits to the community around Car Free Day.
The number of participants who took part in this activity totaled 1000 people who were representatives of students from all universities in Jabodetabek and the general public. From UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, the number of participants who took part in the Healthy Walk was around 200 people.
According to Ihsan, a student from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Nutrition Study Program, the aim of this activity is to invite all students from representatives of universities throughout Jabodetabek and the community to play an active role in efforts to prevent stunting. In addition, this celebration also aims to provide information or campaign about the importance of eating vegetables and fruit in preventing stunting.