Improving the Competence of New Lecturers, UPNVJ Implements Guidance

JAKARTA – In connection with the submission of the Chancellor's Decree to Dr IMG_2908.JPG a UPNVJ CPNS Lecturer by Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA as Deputy Chancellor II in the UPNVJ Meeting Room on Monday (30/04/18). The General Affairs and Finance Section together with the Deans of the Faculties organized the "Professional Development of Lecturers with the Spirit of State Defense and Based on the Values of PIKIR " which is located at the Business & Tourism PPPPTK Building, Bojong Sari, Depok with implementation for 4 (four) days, from 1 to 4 May 2018.

This activity, apart from aiming at increasing the capacity of lecturers within the UPNVJ environment, is also a continuous effort to improve lecturer competence. This is done because the institution realizes that lecturers are a very important component in an education system in higher education.

As many as 61 participants including Lecturers for CPNS Kemenristekdikti attended the activity this time. In this case Dr. Ermatita, M.Kom as the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science who is also the event committee said that in this activity the Lecturers who took part in the coaching this time would be given instructions regarding work as lecturers in depth which aims to improve the quality of UPNVJ.


" In this training there will be guidance on how we work, behave, and act in order to advance UPNVJ, " said Ermatita.

In addition, he also said that this activity would also increase knowledge about the actual role of a lecturer. This activity also aims to increase enthusiasm and motivation so that everyone can work together with others in order to improve and advance the quality of education at UPNVJ.

Dr. Ermatita, M.Kom also added the expectations of the committee by di IMG_2930.JPG holding this activity by being able to provide enthusiasm and motivation in the hope that these new lecturers can further explore their existing competencies, so that UPNVJ can develop more and be on par with other tertiary institutions which have already become State Universities.

In the second session, Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS conveyed the rules of conduct that must be obeyed by all UPNVJ lecturer candidate participants, followed by questions and answers and ended by the introduction of each participant.

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