All ranks and students of UPN Veterans Jakarta held a ceremony to commemorate National Education Day (Hardiknas) which falls on Wednesday (2/5/2018) at the UPN Veterans Jakarta ceremony field.
The ceremony was led directly by the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta Prof. Dr. Ir Eddy S. Siradj. Eng. In this regard, the Chancellor said that the theme of this year's National Education Day, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education specifically carries the sub-theme "Grounding Higher Education, Raising the Quality of Indonesian Human Resources", from the national theme, namely "Strengthening Education, Advancing Culture" launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture ( Ministry of Education and Culture).
In his speech, the Chancellor said that in terms of efforts to ground higher education, it must also be in harmony with the principles of higher education, especially the principle of benefits. "Our higher education must provide benefits to the surrounding environment, and must also have other principles such as scientific truth, honesty, fairness, benevolence, responsibility, diversity and affordability." he said.
Higher education institutions as executors of higher education mandates have three elements of obligation, namely, education, research, and community service as contained in the tri dharma of higher education. In accordance with the direction of the Chancellor, namely wanting an increase in learning in classrooms, laboratories and in open spaces that must be contextual with the real world, as well as community service to be one of the actions of grounding higher education.
In addition, the Chancellor also said that there would be cooperation with various parties from abroad to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education. "According to the Higher Education Law and the Minister of Research and Technology Regulation, we will collaborate with foreign partners and provide scholarships to lecturers to continue their studies both abroad and domestically in order to trigger and enhance the quality of our higher education human resources," said the Chancellor.
At the end of his speech Prof. Dr. Ir Eddy S. Siradj. Eng emphasized that to realize these ideals one must join hands for the glory of the homeland in the spirit of National Education Day. Happy National Education Day . Report: Afif