Implementation of Serdos Monitoring and Evaluation Phase I


HumasUPNVJ - In the framework of implementing the Educator Certification program for lecturers in 2018, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has a monitoring team and a lecturer certification team to coordinate, monitor and evaluate the process of implementing lecturer certification at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Campus. Thursday, 5/07/18.

In this meeting, discussing the implementation of monitoring and evaluation, the monev is currently divided into 2 categories, namely Proposing Colleges (PTU) and Certification Colleges (PTPS). Certification is the process of awarding educator certificates to lecturers. This program is an effort to improve the quality of national education and improve the welfare of lecturers, by encouraging them to continuously improve professionalism. The educator certificate given to lecturers through the certification process is formal proof of recognition of lecturers as professionals at the higher education level

Lecturers must have academic qualifications, competencies, educator certification, be physically and mentally healthy, and meet other qualifications required by the Higher Education Unit where they work, and have the ability to realize national education goals.


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