Don't Know So Don't Love, SMAN 73 Jakarta Visits UPNVJ


HumasUPNVJ - As many as 200 students from SMA Negeri 73 Jakarta visited UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Limo on Wednesday (26/09/18). This visit aims to get to know more about the entrance and all the facilities available at UPNVJ.

The delegation of teachers and students from SMAN 73 Jakarta was received by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences for Academic Affairs, Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS and their staff.


The event started with remarks by Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS, he said "We on behalf of UPNVJ want to give our greatest appreciation because all students and the teacher council have stopped at UPNVJ. We hope that later UPNVJ will become the choice in determining state universities. Hopefully the event can run smoothly and can provide benefits for all of us, "he said

SMA_73.JPG In addition, Mr. Ihsan Nur Cholis a representative from SMAN 73 Jakarta also said "Thank God for 3 consecutive years from 2016 to 2018 our students were accepted at UPNVJ and in the best study program, namely at the Faculty of Medicine UPNVJ our participants passed the SBMPTN route, So UPNVJ really has high hopes for us. Thank you for UPNVJ and hopefully in the following year we will add more students who will continue their higher education at UPNVJ," he said.

The event continued with the appearance of a video profile and presentation of UPNVJ at a glance as well as information on entry points at UPNVJ delivered directly by Mr. Wibisono Arif Budianto, SE as the Head of Subdivision for Cooperation and Public Relations of UPNVJ.


After the ceremonial reception and brief presentation of UPNVJ with the Teachers, Students and Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Faculty of Health staff, they were invited for a Campus Tour at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta campus, Limo which consisted of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering. It is hoped that students will get to know and understand the lecture process at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.


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