Improving Service Quality, UPNVJ Holds Servive Excellent Competency Certification Examination


HumasUPNVJ - In order to provide excellent service quality to students, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is holding a Competency Test for Educators and Education Staff in the service excellent scheme or the best service, on Wednesday (26/9/2018).

pelatihan_LSP_(2).JPG In administering this competency test, UPNVJ cooperates with the PARAS Indonesia Professional Certification Institute (LSP). Prior to the exam being held, the UPNVJ staff had previously been given a Briefing on Servive Excellent Competency Certification and how to provide ideal service to students on Tuesday (25/09/18).

Prior to giving directions by LSP, Dra. Intan Hesti Indriana, MM Head of LP3M UPN "Veteran" Jakarta said "This implementation is very closely related to the UPNVJ organization. In this case, it is one of the Bureaucratic Reform sectors, namely public services. Excellent service is very good for UPN because with service it can improve UPNVJ's services to the community," he said.

pelatihan_LSP_(1).JPG Wisnu as LSP PARAS Indonesia Certification Manager conveyed 6 units to be tested "This exam includes soft skills with output in the form of a certificate that has been declared passed and competent by the assessor. There are 6 units tested, namely collecting information, working with colleagues and customers, working with different social environments, providing information services and assistance, managing quality customer service, communicating orally in English at the basic operational level. In addition there are 3 scenarios that will be tested, namely scenario 1 in Indonesian, English scenario, scenario 3 in groups. Later the assessor will assess whether the participant is competent or incompetent. If they are not competent, they cannot receive a certificate," he said while giving directions.

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