Commemoration of Heroes' Day is not just an event but is full of meaning, not just a procession but substance


HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a commemoration ceremony for Heroes' Day November 10 2018 in the ceremonial field in front of dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Monday (12/11/18). as for acting as the ceremony supervisor, namely the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UPNVJ Dr. Dr. Prijo Sidipratomo, Sp.Rad

This year's Hero's Day is themed "The Spirit of Hero's Day in My Chest". On the sidelines of the ceremony, the messages of National Heroes were read, including Moh. Yamin, General Sudirman, Abdul Muis, Prince Mangkunagara I, Governor Suryo, Pattimura, Ki Hajar Dewantara, and Silas Papare.

Then, dr. dr. Prijo Sidipratomo, Sp.Rad read the mandate from the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia that, Commemoration of Heroes' Day is not just an event, but must be full of meaning. Nor is it limited to the procession, but the substance. Every Hero's Day commemoration must be able to explore and bring up new enthusiasm in implementing heroic values in everyday life. For this reason, presumably the whole series of activities commemorating Heroes' Day must become new energy and enthusiasm inheriting the values of struggle and patriotism in building the Indonesian nation.

The ceremonial supervisor also stated that the commemoration of Heroes' Day is a momentum for the Indonesian people to introspect on themselves to what extent each component of the nation can inherit heroic values, continue the struggle, fulfill independence in order to achieve a prosperous, just and prosperous Indonesia. "In essence, every struggle must have a result, but there is no final word or stop fighting. Each stage of struggle continues in the next stage of struggle according to the demands of the strategic environment. he said

In addition, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine also said that Indonesia needs young people as the next generation who have a spirit of patriotism, never give up, have discipline, have the character of mastering knowledge and skills in their fields.

Indonesia needs young people who are strong with their identity, have noble local character, are confident, and are sensitive to social issues so that they are able to be involved in social welfare efforts, social services for those in need.
Indonesia also needs youth who have a global outlook, who are able to collaborate in advancing the nation and utilizing technology in competing and side by side with other countries, especially when this country enters the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.

"In the end, through the commemoration of Heroes' Day, I invite us to do our best for this nation, contribute to the progress of the nation, starting from what we can do, starting from the closest environment, and in the end providing strength and resilience to the nation and state," said Dr. Dr. Prijo Sidipratomo, Sp.Rad

Apart from that, in closing, Dr. Dr. Prijo Sidipratomo, Sp.Rad said "Happy Heroes' Day 2018, keep the spirit of heroes in your heart, make achievements that bring the name of the nation and country. Always maintain unity and oneness in the fabric of tolerance and social solidarity. May the spirit of heroes always color our every step.

The Heroes' Day ceremony was attended by all employees, lecturers and students of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.


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