Greetings from UPNVJ Chancellor


HumasUPNVJ - After previously inaugurating the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) University, now UPNVJ is holding a farewell ceremony for the new Chancellor for the 2018-2022 period in the Rector's Auditorium, Friday (9/11/2018).

This activity was a farewell event between Prof. Dr Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng as Chancellor of UPNVJ for the 2014 – 2018 period to Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA rector for the 2018 – 2022 period.

Prof. Dr Ir. In his speech, Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng said that the mandate that had been given had been completed. "I express my gratitude and appreciation to all members of UPN "Vetera" Jakarta. The mandate given to me has been completed. Hopefully UPN "Veteran" Jakarta will be better and more successful in the future." he said

On the same occasion, Prof. Dr Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.En also conveyed a patun in closing, "if there is a well in the fields, don't try to take a horse to bathe, if there is a long life, hopefully we will meet again". he concluded

This event was enlivened by musical performances from the doskar, dance, poetry readings and traditional music which were performances from each faculty and work unit. Apart from the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta academic community, there were also invited guests who attended this event, one of which was the head of the BNI KCP Pondok Labu bank and Yudha Bakti Bank.

The event then continued with the hospitality of the entire UPN "Veteran" Jakarta academic community and invited guests to the old chancellor and congratulations to the new chancellor.



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