Understanding the value of defending the country, the Minister of Defense was present at the UPNVJ public lecture


HumasUPNVJ - Tuesday, December 11 2018 Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu attended a public lecture with the theme "Defending the Country" which was attended by approximately 500 participants from active students of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta which was held at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium.

The Minister of Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu invited all UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students who were present at the public lecture to further enhance the inculcation of Pancasila as our nation's ideology in today's young generation. Because according to him, since the reform era, Pancasila has faded, and because of that, many ideas have entered and are very contradictory to our country.

He also advised UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students to become leaders not to be the source of the problem, he said "be good at feeling, don't feel smart which means that if we are good at feeling we will become leaders who understand their people, but if we feel smart we will only be arrogant people. We as the younger generation must be good people who are humble, "he said.





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