Visiting UPNVJ, Former Indonesian Minister of Trade Discusses Cooperation on the "BTV Goes to Campus" Program

HumasUPNVJ - The world of education and the media industry met in a valuable moment when the Executive Chairman of B-Universe, Enggartiasto Lukita, who also served as Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2016-2019 period, visited the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ), Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

This visit marks the first step of a strategic collaboration in the BTV Goes to Campus program, an initiative that aims to introduce the world of media to the younger generation, especially students, in an interesting and relevant way.

BTV Goes to Campus is a flagship program from B-Universe that provides an opportunity for students to get to know the world of media better, both in terms of content production and the various career opportunities available.

In this program, interested students can take part in an internship or work experience at B-Universe and gain a deeper understanding of the profession as a content creator .

During the audience, Enggartiasto directly expressed his enthusiasm for the potential collaboration with UPNVJ.

The atmosphere of the UPNVJ and B Universe audience took place in the Chancellor's Guest Room.

"Through this program, we hope to provide real contributions to the development of students as the next generation who are competent in the media field. BTV Goes to Campus is a manifestation of our commitment to creating an ecosystem that supports collaboration between the world of education and industry," he explained.

Responding to this, UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm stated that the initiation of this collaboration is an extraordinary opportunity that should be welcomed with enthusiasm.

"We really appreciate B-Universe's move to involve students in the BTV Goes to Campus program. This is in line with our mission to provide real experiences that are relevant to industry needs," said Venus.

In addition to discussing internship opportunities, the meeting also included discussions on ways to introduce the world of media to students in an interesting and interactive way. This program is expected to be a platform that supports students in exploring their potential and preparing them to face the challenges of the working world.

After this meeting, UPNVJ is committed to following up with concrete steps that do not only focus on developing student competencies. UPNVJ plans to bring B-Universe back to UPNVJ to conduct seminars, workshops, or other discussions.

UPNVJ Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Anter Venus, MA., Comm sat side by side with Executive Chairman Enggartiasto Lukita.

"We plan to invite B-Universe back to UPNVJ as a new source of learning, both for students and lecturers. Their presence on campus will later be used to provide materials, hold discussions, and various other activities," said Venus.

Not only that, he also said that it is possible for UPNVJ to send lecturers to participate in programs such as internships or learning at B-Universe.

This step is accompanied by the hope that UPNVJ lecturers can meet expectations for various changes that occur, especially in mastering knowledge, skills, new technologies, and other abilities. That way, lecturers can share the knowledge with students optimally.

The collaboration between B-Universe and UPNVJ through BTV Goes To Campus is expected to be a strategic initial step to strengthen the synergy between educational institutions and the media industry in Indonesia. With this program, students will not only gain new insights, but also valuable experiences that can support their careers in the future.

About B-Universe

B-Universe (formerly Globe Media Group and BeritaSatu Media Holdings) is a leading broadcast media with multi-platform publications that reach every audience behavior.

In this fast-paced digital era, B-Universe not only presents news quickly, but also accurately. To present accurate news, B-Universe implements correct journalism, which always prioritizes the process of clarification, check and recheck, and cross-testing, before a news is published to fulfill the reader's right to get correct information.

B Universe has a number of subsidiaries engaged in various media fields, including BTV, IDTV, Berita Satu,, Investor Daily, Investor Magazine.

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